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At Essex Beauty Rooms, we aim to offer both a professional and relaxing service, with 100% client satisfaction.

Sophie - Owner, Main Therapist and Semi-Permanent Make-Up Technician


Meet Sophie, as a fully qualified Level 3 beauty therapist and semi permanent make-up artist, Sophie carries out all of her treatments in her clinical but beautiful treatment rooms.


Sophie has over 9 years experience and in 2010 started off as a young apprentice gaining that salon experience alongside her training. At the end of the training course, she was offered a job, where she perfected her skills as a Level 3 beauty therapist.


With a natural flair for business Sophie then went on to start up her own business in 2013. In 2014, she trained with finishing touches and learnt the techniques of how to perform cosmetic semi-permanent make-up.






Daisy - Manager, Nail and Eyelash Technician


Meet Daisy, who is one of our full time therapists. As well as being a Senior Beauty Therapist, she is also a master nail & eyelash technician. Daisy is a perfectionist in all her work and thrives in creating beautiful work in all her treatments.



Essex Beauty Rooms

14 Mount Avenue

Harold Wood, Romford,

Essex, RM3 0DE

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